



important 是个形容词,一般情况下是it句型中。It is important (for sb.)that ...

important to do sth. be improtant to doing sth

1、important to do sth:important形容事物时表示“重大,重要,紧急”,形容人时表示“有权力〔地位〕”“自以为...

what is important is that是句型吗

what is important is that是由what 引导的主语从句,意思是“最重要的是那个”。主语从句,即在复合句中充当主语成...

what is important is that什么意思?

what is important is that是主系表句型。其中what is important是主语,is系动词,that是宾语。知识扩展:写英语作文时如果能写好此类句型也可以增加作文的两点。...


be important to和be important for to 后面接动词, 表示做什么事情很重要. 例: Experience is important to look for a good job 经验对于找到一份好的工作来说...

i think it important for you to resume your stud

第一句是简单句, think 接的是【复合宾语】i think (主谓)it(形式宾语) important (宾补)for you to resume your studies at school (真正宾语)第二句是...

It's important ..句型

表语:important。真正的主语:不定式短语to realize how quickly this disease can spread over the globe。短语中,从句how quickly this disease can spread ov...

important to help有什么语法知识?

It is important to do sth 是固定句型。做某事很重要。举个例子:It is important to help your classmates.此句中,“help your classmates”是主语,动词不定式...

It is important for us to learn English分析下这

这个是简单句,不含从句的 for us是补语,补充作用的 而to learn English是真正的主语,前面的it是形式主语 it's important for sb to do sth 对某人来说,做某事...

be important to sb和be important for sb区别???

1、be important to sb.: ……对sb.而言是很重要的,强调对某人很重要的东西。例句:(1)It is important to under...

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